May Cleaning Challenge Has Started

I’m just 1 person ready to take on the May Cleaning Challenge! How about you? Have you chosen a goal yet? Cleaning can be as big or as small a project as you want, and this challenge lets you choose the goal that’s right for you.

My Challenge Goal

I wrote a list of all my cleaning to dos at the beginning of the month, and I want to make my way through as many of them as possible by the end of May. My hope is to get through at least 30 things on that list, from washing floors to going through boxes of stuff to reorganizing spaces to hanging pictures. 

Your Challenge Goal

It’s not too late to choose a goal and join in! Make this the month that you spring clean with enthusiasm. Make this the month when you deep clean your bedroom or your car or your basement. Make this the month that you spend a little time improving your surroundings in whatever way makes sense to you.

Fill out the short form below and you’ll be automatically added to the challenge emails (4 each month; the first went out yesterday). You can also download a helpful worksheet to assist you in setting and keeping up with your goal by donating to me on Ko-Fi.  


What safety goal will you be working on this month?

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